The Heart
The heart--
a muscle that keeps us alive.
An image for love.
It acts strange when one loves another.
A pallet of warm colors painting a sunset
of the feelings running through our veins
are like shooting stars,
appearing and then leaving quickly
when one is in love.
Like a single flower in a field of grass,
an infant at it's mother breast--
the safety and hope love gives us.
Feelings of love, hope,
many believe God gave us.
So why then,
if God gave us such a beautiful thing,
would He take it away?
A heart grows cold when one dies.
God took her,
leaving him with a
spot in his heart.
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Starting the poem with writing about how the heart is a muscle is very interesting, because usually poems about love are written about how the heart is a symbol of love. Though you do write about the heart being connected to love, you first write about how it is a muscle that keeps us alive, which grabs the reader right away since the thought is so different from most other poems about love. Great work! Ballad poems are ones usually written about love, too. If you are interested in writing a ballad poem or learning about other exciting types of poetry, check out "poetry writing tips" under the "resources" section!