Every Day
by: Mopati Kuswani
Every day,
I wake up and walk those halls
For what?
To get an education and a job
Every day,
I sit
Class after class
And I fade away from the chatter and whispers
Fading into reality
Every day,
I keep to myself
I keep telling myself I’ll talk tomorrow
Or maybe when I’m talked to
I keep quiet
And I go about my way
Only hoping for the day to end
I go home
I possess life
I talk, I yell, I sing and I curse
I am not in class
This is the true me
This is the person who in class
patiently waits to be who he really is
I know him well
I know him well because he is me
I know him well because I am him
He loves being lazy and relaxed
I love letting go of all burdens
He loves eating
I love drinking
He loves to be at peace
I love to see him at peace
I wake up and go to class
“Where is he?” I ask
Every day