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There are 884 poems on this topic.
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Tiny little feet, A gorgeous wide-eyed smile, And 10 little fingers               Tip-toe into life.
6 years 3 months ago
Dear Society,   You all say she’s broken beyond repair,
6 years 3 months ago
What does it mean to me? Well that depends on the question. What does art mean? The way of one's self-expression.
6 years 3 months ago
Bao a young sow opens the refrigerator she says "No milk!"  Her mother says now is your time, 
6 years 3 months ago
I burned the word fragile beneath my skin  
6 years 4 months ago
Being an adolescent is a roaring, ever-changing ocean and the new experiences are brave, plummeting waves.
6 years 4 months ago
Where do you grab your why? Out of thin air? Does it come to you while sitting, watching the day go by?
6 years 4 months ago
The stars twinkle above her They radiate their bright light towards her eyes But she does not look up
6 years 4 months ago
i come from a land of blood i immigrant, i survivor Land of Liberty a ghosting drug.
6 years 4 months ago
‘Build a sculpture of what you love' read the Helvetica font on the frontside 
6 years 4 months ago
