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There are 6970 poems on this topic.
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Curiosity... What a treacherous, wonderful thing you are. Leading to new discoveries. Leading to certain death.
7 years 8 months ago
Poetry will always have my back, It's not just words on a piece of paper, It's a way of life, 
7 years 8 months ago
It's funny.People claim to know you through things you've done and not by listening to you speak for yourself. They think they know you l
7 years 8 months ago
When I'm down I just wanna run! Like I wanna run a ton! As fast as I can go It just brings out my Mojo!
7 years 8 months ago
He saunters in the room, Graceful eyes full of gloom, Sits down, devilish smile And Icy stare for miles.
7 years 8 months ago
Who's warm bosom is arrowed by cupidShouldst hark now to honest counsels my mind
7 years 8 months ago
I found a way to talk To express myself Get my message across Without saying a word Isn't it amazing?
7 years 8 months ago
Sometimes is difficult and hard to explain.  It can cause headaches and make you want to scream
7 years 8 months ago
I stand here in front of the bag Pent up energy building  Anger rising Deep breath in Deep breath out
7 years 8 months ago
Why my life is tired Why my life is sad Why can't I give up If things are always bad?
7 years 8 months ago
