Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Tainted words Attempting to create a bleak truth of you But my memory stays pure Nothing they say
10 years 10 months ago
Press rewind
10 years 10 months ago
Upon your return I shall wait. The deepest parts of my Confused heart become Your sanctuary.
10 years 10 months ago
If your soul and my soul were intertwined There would be no "what could be" nor "what was."
10 years 10 months ago
Without you I’m like a bird without wings Grass that’s not green Trees naked, no leaves.
10 years 10 months ago
Cut me open Lay me bare My beating heart I give to you Beneath these lights On this stage
10 years 10 months ago
Most say it is just words. Others say it's just for fun. Some just hear roars That leave it undone...
10 years 10 months ago
I’m blessed, So I don’t know why I worry. God has given me eternal life in heaven. I’m blessed to be alive.
10 years 10 months ago
Blessed forever, Stressed but not forever. Living to get to eternal. He’s my own the one who will
10 years 10 months ago
Lets agree, shall we? To Always tell the truth because- Power is in it.
10 years 10 months ago
