Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Will I ever finally get the chance? To finally get the chance to experience true romance.
3 weeks 6 days ago
Darrell uses drugs and alcohol to cope with the pain, the clouds were pitch black and it filled the streets with rain.  He was in love wi
3 weeks 6 days ago
When I first saw you, I looked into your eyes and saw light.
3 weeks 6 days ago
3 weeks 6 days ago
Scared to turn off the lights before bed Why? So when you awake at random times
3 weeks 6 days ago
lukewarm I wish not to be lukewarm any longer  i wish to be fluid as can be 
4 weeks 21 min ago
It took me over like a moth drawn to a flame Consumed me like a tidal wave A time when I felt defeated
4 weeks 52 min ago
The cage I kept myself in Was created by the expectations of others While they constructed the bars
4 weeks 53 min ago
When the world goes numb  When the thoughts subside  When the guilt leaves 
4 weeks 5 hours ago
I see reminder all around me  Shapes  Names  Places 
4 weeks 5 hours ago
