Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Liberty is in the eye of the beholder. Is life all it’s been made out to be?
11 years 3 weeks ago
Oh dear precious, How precious you are and beauty that consists within thee.
11 years 3 weeks ago
Piercing eyes glare at unfamiliar faces Awaiting rejection So use to backs being turned, hearts being broken
11 years 3 weeks ago
Every day you wake up trying to make it in the real world And the real world turns its back on you
11 years 3 weeks ago
Some people say that you have the beautifulest smile, which it's a killer and you'll achieve anything you want with that smile.
11 years 3 weeks ago
A worm, squirming under raging sun, Again and again, the mud squishes, Under the heel of my ambition-
11 years 3 weeks ago
Most amazing person in the entire world. And you are unlike any other. There may be someone better than me but,
11 years 3 weeks ago
Fair is foul, and foul is fair Let Macbeth live in all our prayer. Stir the cauldron till it’s nice and hot
11 years 3 weeks ago
Tears rolling down her face No smile will be seen The social workers couldn't help her case
11 years 3 weeks ago
Take me to your shores, To where your feelings breathe Take me there, take me more, Take me on the eve.
11 years 3 weeks ago
