Browse Poems
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...
As your death day get closer
My nightmares get worse
1 month 2 weeks ago
In the quiet hours of a fleeting day,A shadow lurks, its whispers play—“Just one more scroll, a little more time,
1 month 3 weeks ago
Hung up
The lines dead
But I won't disconnect
Our paths don't cross
As that road washed away
1 month 3 weeks ago
In July of 2013, you died and you went to Heaven.If you hadn't died, today you would've turned 77.
1 month 4 weeks ago
Sometimes I feel like I'm beating my head against a rock;
A hard place to be, let me tell you.
1 month 4 weeks ago
The hate in the world has grown so strong.
We hate life
We hate the world
I hate how society is
1 month 4 weeks ago