Poems about Animals

Love, what is love ?  Is it a person?  Is it a place? Is it a thing ? Can love be measured? 
There is freedom, and there is the life of innocents. Both must be balanced on the scale.
Tell her not to the do it but she did it uhh. am fuck wit her tell her vanila  am not going 
Tell her not to the do it but she did it uhh. am fuck wit her tell her vanila  am not going 
as i drill them cheeks pumping to the beat of every moan you shreak and i send a fleet of little me's
Animals are bieng abused every day Not being treated Justly, fairly, or even kindly
Sitting down on the rocky ledge My eyes stray to a dark black figure
A anomaly, mystery, a enigma is how those around me would describe me an individual that has few words to say but countless stories to te
A bald baby. Golden locks, auburn in the sun.  Scissor blades on animal fur.
A bald baby. Golden locks, auburn in the sun.  Scissor blades on animal fur.
