Poems from savigirl14

I am a very creative person. I love to read, write, sing, dance and act. Poetry to me is a way of self expression that lightens someone's heart. I love white chocolate and my favorite book is Anne of Green Gables
m tired of the way Women are judged Because we are strong enough It was Eve who lead Adam It was Rosa Parks who changed misconception It...
Mold me Make me Give me life Supply me With your love Bring me to my knees Bowing in your prescence I have given up Im holding on To your...
Let me tell you a secret I like you And you like me Let's make history Let's go to Paris The "City of Love" To watch a show And see our...
I go to each wedding Or attend each birthday party Where I receive a bag With favors inside Pieces of candy Or toy rings Something simple...
She is a woman I love so much She has inspired me With her kind touch She is strong With a will of her own She has experienced life And...
