Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Number Two
10 years 1 week ago
Number One:
10 years 1 week ago
As I try to grasp upon this abstract feeling within me, "butterflies" as they call it,
10 years 1 week ago
Lost of air... that's the feeling. Loss of heart, and  the loss of care. It's the loss of the part
10 years 1 week ago
You fill my veins with poison, you drive my mind insane, It's you who leave me  unwanted, my soul
10 years 1 week ago
I didn't mean to fall in love, like how you didn't mean to  say goodbye,
10 years 1 week ago
Why can't I smile? I haven't smiled in years. Unless you count the grimaces I conjure
10 years 1 week ago
love love is a distinguished feeling a true feeling it can be imagined but better when experienced
10 years 1 week ago
I sit and stare, My mind a blur, With little sparks around.    They dance and sing,
10 years 1 week ago
In society people pin themselves in categories Ones that they aspire to be apart of Ones they are apart of
10 years 1 week ago
